Skyview Chemicals Limited is a wholly Zambian citizen-owned company incorporated and established in July 2014 at Lusaka, Zambia. The company’s registered business trading names are Spectank® Zambia and Skyview Cleaning Services. The company is the license holder and exclusive national distributor of Spectank® products.

We are the exception supplier of Bakery, Kitchen, Laundry, and Workshop, Toilet, Drains, and General Purpose Chemicals.


The principal business of the company through Spectank® Zambia is the supply of Kitchen Equipment cleaning systems and distribution of SABS and ISO certified Chemicals and Disinfectants for the Food Industry.


While under Skyview Cleaning Services, the core business is the provision of general multi-purpose cleaning services to domestic and corporate clients.



It was 1991, when Martin Glauber, embarked on his visionary journey to develop a safe and efficient cleaning system to remove baked on fats and oils, commonly known as ”Black Carbon”, from kitchen and baking equipment.

After countless failed attempts and some interesting chemical reactions, Martin finally found the winning formula.

This was the birth of Spectank®, a world first which is now serving 30 000 kitchens in 36 countries.

Spectank® has evolved into the complete kitchen hygiene company, supplying our customers with the full basket, from the door mat at the entrance to the refuse bin at the back and everything in between.

Our ethos is that Spectank® does not sell products but rather, it supplies CLEANLINESS!